Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Trip Out of the 2010 season!

We had a nice day on the first cruise of the 2010 season. Had a humpback calf that was very frisky and did quite a few breaches. Also had a close encounter as they passed right by "Nick's Chance".

So the first video is the calf breaching, it looks better on the big screen. It was video taped in HD and it is only 9 seconds.

The second video is the calf coming in to check us out. So the whales are out there. Come on down and go whale hunting with us in the deep blue Atlantic.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moby Dick.....the opera?

I was listening to NPR this morning, as I am prone to do on Sunday's and I heard that the Dallas (Texas) Opera House is doing an opera based on Herman Melville's book "Moby Dick." I thought that was intriguing, if one has read the book which is quite long and full of allegories in reference to religion, slavery and the basic human relationship to oneself while giving the first detail written history of the whaling industry, one has to wonder how do you score that to music?

Do you think the Ogunquit Playhouse will be doing this one soon?

The question is what part should Captain Gary play?

Check it out if you want.